Friday, September 17, 2010

Not "IF" but "WHEN".

While having a discussion with my mom about the opportunities that God has laid before me recently, I began a sentence with, "If I go to Africa....."
My mother immediately corrected me saying, "not IF, but WHEN. You are going, maybe not on this trip, but you are going."

Something many of us subconsciencly fall into......doubt.
We doubt God’s power, we doubt His promises, we doubt His faithfulness. 
We are quick to forget, when God is for us the facts don't stand a chance and what seems rational will be tested. 2nd Corinthians 5:7 says, "We are to walk by faith, not by sight." When we doubt, we are challenging God Himself. 

I believe too often, we just dip our toes in the water, to be safe. It's like we are saying "ok God, I'm here, use me, but hey, you only get a little bit of me, just in case you don't get here exactly how and when I want you to". 
Instead of taking a leap of faith into the great unknown, we hold back our complete selves so we are not disappointed. 
Luke 16:10 says, “He who is faithful in very little is faithful also in much”.
When we are faithful in the small things, God blesses us in the even bigger things. When He knows He can trust us in, what seems to us to be the most minuscule, insignificant things, He can fully trust us to carry the blessings and challenges that lie ahead. 

God put Africa on my heart years ago, burdening my heart for the hurting, making a promise, that He will use me to generate change, to give hope to the lost and heal the broken.

He always comes through. He always makes a way.

He opened the door for me with an amazing non-profit called Exile International, who exist to instill hope, healing and God's love to Africa's war-affected children and former children soldiers. Upon our first meeting they asked me to go to Africa to volunteer and film their work......My dreams have come true. 

At times, life feels meaningless, we feel our life has no direction or purpose, our struggles and suffering seem pointless, we feel unused by God...but I can tell you, He uses every aspect of ourselves to create something wonderful. 

I invite you today to give God your whole self, your hope and dreams, your past and future, your worship, your words, your bad days, your good days, your struggles, your passion, your love, your heart.
I am living proof at what God can do when we walk by faith and not by sight.

Give Him, you....thats all He asks :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

His Promises Are Faithful.

"God would not give you the dream or the desire in your heart if He did not also give you the talent and abilities to make that dream come true."

This quote has been my anthem lately. As I've stepped out in faith and walked through incredible doors God has presented before me. The last few weeks have been nothing short of miraculous.
It's truly amazing what blessings He brings when you remain faithful in Him.

As I began to think more about that quote, I thought, "Well what about those in the world who have such passion to do something and can't seem to make that dream a reality. Those with the interest to sing, act, paint, write, etc....they try and they try and they try, yet nothing ever comes of it.  

I believe it is because when you are not chasing after something pure, innocent, of God, FOR God, ultimately, you will fail.
I also think rejection is Gods way of saying "wrong door".

For instance, those trying out for American Idol or any other "talent" reality show, what are they after? 
Glorifying the kingdom of God? No. Their hearts are after things of this world, such as fame, money, self glory. Not all, but most are chasing a life of selfishness and worldliness.
And that is why they fail at things they want so desperately.
When we are pursuing things of righteousness instead of pleasures of this world, God will surpass what we believe is even possible. 

We cannot fail, because when God gives you such a passion, He makes a promise in your heart, and God comes though on His promises.
Where humans have the ability to fall short on a promise.
God cannot. He cannot lie. 
And though we cannot see it yet, He is at work.
Though we feel we are insufficient and inadequate in the natural, He is moving in the spirit.
At times it may even seem like we lack the things we need to fulfill our calling and our dreams, but through each and every insignificant encounter and random moment, God is piecing together a puzzle, He is creating in you the necessary tools and strength you will need to do His wonders.
"If we let Him, God will shake us until we are unshakeable"

God teaches me something new about faith everyday, He is constantly speaking to my heart, gently whispering to my spirit, revealing things to me, and giving me strength. 
This blog is meant to exalt Him as well as lift up my fellow brothers and sisters. 
I hope your spirit was lifted and worry cast out.
Beautiful plans await us, marvelous things are setting the scene for what is and is yet to come!


About Me

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I gave up Christianity to follow Jesus. I am on a journey to find how the gifts I have been given can intersect with the brokenness of this world. My heart is Africa. Social justice and religious freedom for all nations is the priority and prayer of my heart. Mother Teresa said,"There are Calcuttas everywhere, find your Calcutta". Im trying to find my "Calcutta". Where the lost need to be found. Complacency is my worst enemy. I would rather die living out my passion than live never knowing what I was born for. I am a film major. Through film, I believe God is going to use me to change lives by inspiring hope, creating awareness, and spreading His love. With the God of impossible behind me, we are going to change the world.